Soft Reset
What the Soft Reset सॉफ्ट रीसेट क्या होता है
The Soft Reset is the easiest reset to perform on a mobile phone. To Soft Reset a phone is to simply power cycle the device, to power it off and then to power it back on.
सॉफ्ट रीसेट फ़ोन को रीसेट करने का सब से आसान तरीका होता है सॉफ्ट रीसेट में सिंपल फ़ोन को बंद कर के चालू करते है
How to do a Soft Reset फ़ोन को रीसेट कैसे करे
Some phones have a restart option which will allow the phone to power off and power back on by itself.
कुछ फ़ोन में रीस्टार्ट आप्शन पहेले से होता है जिससे आसानी से मोबाइल को बंद कर के चालू किया जाता है
Some older phones may only offer the power off or power down feature and the phones operator will have to power the phone on manually once it’s completely powered off.
कुछ पुराने फ़ोन में फ़ोन को सॉफ्ट रीसेट करने के लिए पॉवर के को 10 sec के लिए दबाना पढता है जिससे फ़ोन अपने आप बंद हो जाता है और फिर पॉवर के दबा के फ़ोन चालू करते है
What the Soft Reset does सॉफ्ट रीसेट करता क्या है
The soft reset can actually solve many simple problems on mobile phones, especially when the phone has been on for a long period of time and has not been power cycled for a while.
सॉफ्ट रीसेट करने से फ़ोन अपने सिस्टम को बंद करके फिर से चालू करता है जिससे मोबाइल में जो सिंपल प्रॉब्लम है जैसे नीचे बताई गयी है वोह ठीक हो जाता है
Issues that can be solved by performing a Soft reset include and are not limited to:
- Not receiving messages, both text and picture messages.
- Cannot receive calls.
- Cannot make calls.
- Lag or sluggishness.
- Not receiving emails.
- Cannot send files.
- Audio issues.
- Incorrect settings.
- Incorrect time being displayed.
- Responsive issues with touch screens or when navigating the phone.
- Network related issues.
- Minor software related issues.
- And many more minor issues can be solved by Soft Resetting a mobile phone.
A Soft Reset DOES NOT delete anything from your mobile phone and causes no loss of information from the device.
सॉफ्ट रीसेट करने से मोबाइल फ़ोन में कुछ भी डाटा डिलीट नहीं होता है
Tips about Soft Resets
Soft Resets are the FIRST step in trying to resolve phone related issues, on both standard and basic phones as well as smartphones, and can solve many types of software related problems.
When performing a Soft Reset I recommend that the phone remain powered off for at least 10 seconds before it is powered back on.
It’s never a bad idea to get into the good habit of powering off your mobile phone for a few minutes at least once every few days. This can help contribute to a nice, happy, and efficient working cell phone.
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