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Sunday, 4 June 2017

Mobile Phone Card Level Parts

Mobile Phone Card Level Parts - Info  
मोबाइल फोन में Card Level पार्टस-

·         मोबाइल बॉडी का अगला भाग (Fascia) -Front Facia or Facial: This is the front cover or housing of any mobile phone. These are of different shapes and sizes depending upon brand and model. 

·         मोबाइल बॉडी का पिछला भाग (Back Fascia) -Back Facia or Facial: This is the Back cover or housing of any mobile phone. These are of different shapes and sizes depending upon brand and model.

·         मोबाइल की इन्टरनल बॉडी (Internal Fascia) - Internal Facia or Facial: This is the internal skeleton of a mobile phone

·         डिस्प्ले (Display) Display: It is screen of the mobile phone.

·         डिस्प्ले कन्नेक्टर (Display Connector) - Connect to Display Screen LCD /LED

·         एन्टीना (Antenna)  Internal Antenna: It helps to capture networt.

·          PCB मोबाइल प्लेट (Mobile PCB)Printed Circuit Board of the Mobile Phone.

·          टच स्क्रीन (Personal Digital Asistant) -PDA: Display or Screen of a touch screen mobile phone.

 ·          ON/OFF स्वीच (ON-OFF Switch) - Help to switch on / Off Mobile Phone

·          किपेड बटन (Keypad Button) - It is connected to the keypad carbon to enter numbers to make phone calls and other data.

·          किपेड Tip & Tickly (Keypad Tickly)
·          स्पीकर (Earpiece)
·          लाउडस्पीकर (Ringer)
·          माइक (Microphone)
·          मोटर (Vibrator)
·          बैटरी (Battery)
·         बैटरी कन्नेक्टर (Battery Connector)
·         कैमरा (Camera)
·         कैमरा कन्नेक्टर (Camera Connector)
·         चार्जिंग कन्नेक्टर (Charging Connector)
·         किपेड कार्बन (Keypad Carbon)
·         मैमोरी कार्ड (Memory Card)
·         मैमोरी कार्ड कन्नेक्टर (Memory Card Connector) 
·         किपेड कन्नेक्टर (Keypad Connector)
·         सिम कार्ड (Sim Card)
·         सिम कार्ड कन्नेक्टर (Sim Card Connector)
·         USB (डाटा केबलकन्नेक्टर (USB Connector)
·         हैड़फोन कन्नेक्टर (Headphone Connector)

·         हैड़फोन (Headphone
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